About Laura

I am Laura Houssain

I’m half French, half Spanish, but I’ll tell you more about that in a moment. What I want you to know right now is that…

My goal is to set you free from any form of addiction including, smoking, compulsive eating, binge eating, emotional eating, food addiction and cravings,

and show you how to…

  • find peace with food
  • feel exquisitely well about your body and yourself
  • create a FUN and EXCITING life
  • gain your self-confidence and your energy back to do all the things you’ve ever wanted
  • add loads of excitement, pleasure, fun and joy in your life
  • embrace your irresistible, feminine sexiness (especially if reading these words make you laugh with distrust)
  • become your number one supporter and friend

and more importantly


The truth is stopping binge and emotional eating can be much easier and faster than you think.

It has sometimes vanished in as little as one breakthrough session with me. For example, this is how Sara was able to stop binge eating in as little as 5 days after meeting me.

Of course, results may vary, but many of my clients results far exceeded what I had expected at first.  Just imagine 10, 15, 30 years, and sometimes almost lifetimes of compulsive eating gone in a few days or weeks.

I have come to terms with emotional eating twice, quite easily. I heard reports of how hard it was, how difficult to let go of, and even read countless reports explaining why it was so hard.  The truth is, I don’t believe it’s hard!

Whether it was smoking or holding on to really poor eating habits, once I decided to stop, I did.  I didn’t use willpower or listen to the people who said it was hard or excruciatingly painful. I listened to the ones who said it was easy, integrated their methods with mine, and achieved the results I wanted pretty effortlessly.

How I Mastered of My Own Addictions and Managed to Found Peace With Food

I quit smoking and emotional eating quite easily but until recently, I had a long history of addictions: sugar addiction, smoking, love addiction and codependency, procrastination, tarot card reading, sleep, depression, and self-sabotage and low self-esteem.

You may be surprised that I call low self-esteem an addiction, but the truth to me is if you can’t let go of something that doesn’t serve you, you’re addicted to it.  Why on earth would you keep thinking poorly of yourself every day?  There is no pleasure or joy in it.  Why would you keep torturing yourself mentally if a part of you wasn’t hooked to that mental habit?

Making poor mental choices about how you see yourself, your body, and the World, is self-detrimental. I know you’re wise enough to know that.

I knew it as well, yet every day I kept myself hooked to unhealthy limiting beliefs and mental habits for years.  And, I was convinced I was broken in some way and I needed to be fixed.

Then I went from needing to be fixed to needing a fix.

The first fix I created in my early childhood was to escape to fantasy land…which is not always useful if you want to do something with your life. But it just seemed the best option at the time. At least, I didn’t have to deal with all the verbal and emotional abuse around me this way.  In your case, it might have been eating for comfort.

I was a very quiet child, observing everyone around me with scrutiny. That was one of my ways of coping with a verbally and emotionally abusive environment.

While growing up, most people around me seemed to harbor self-destructive patterns, negative beliefs and/or were highly critical of me, themselves and each other. I came to the conclusion that it was part of the human experience and I had no other choice than to become like them ( negative, self-destructive and critical).

Fortunately for me, I encountered wiser humans who had discovered that life could be much more exciting and fun than most people would settle for.  They didn’t believe that living with compulsive, self-destructive patterns and negative beliefs was needed.

These were they visionaries of their time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some people had called them mad at the time of their research.  I call them a blessing, because they created therapies and techniques that have helped me make my life and those of my clients exponentially better.

Before meeting them, I used to feel trapped: living in a mental prison, hopping from one addiction to another.  I was convinced I was the prisoner of my mischievous mind. And, it would be hard, long, and painful if not impossible to escape.

I believed I wasn’t good enough, everything that had ever happened to me was my fault that I had to try really hard to fix everything that was wrong with me in the hope to become normal and acceptable. That was a PAINFUL!

And, as you’re reading this, I’m thinking that you may also feel trapped, stuck with unhealthy eating patterns with no way out and that maybe you bought into the belief that “if I focus on what’s wrong long enough, and do everything I can perfectly, my problem will go away. And, I’ll be normal and acceptable”…

Unfortunately, recovery doesn’t seem work this way because binge eating and emotional eating are created in your mind and no matter how much you try to change what you do… you keep creating compulsive eating as long as you don’t change your mind!

Once I relinquished the belief that I couldn’t change, my life started becoming happier and fuller, exponentially every day, to the point that sometimes I’m ecstatically happy for no reason.

Most of my addictions vanished.  Of course, I used revolutionary techniques to learn new ways of thinking and made sure they would last.  I no longer believed in the conventional thinking, that it had to be hard, painful, or nearly impossible.

At first, I had to adjust and adapt to stay clear from the old ways. but I can’t call this agonizing or traumatizing.  I’m still using the same techniques today (and integrating new ones) and it keeps getting better and better.

You see, to me addiction dies when you start deliberately choosing what you think, feel, say, and do. Until you do that, you live on auto-pilot, using the strategies of a child living a life of an adult.

Usually, that’s not very productive. I’m not going to get into the details of why here but you can read more about the truth about binge eating recovery here

What Makes Me a “Normal Eater”…(It’s not what you think)

In my teenage years, I observed women and society the same way I observed my family while growing up. And, I came to the conclusion that they were way too hard on themselves and their bodies and… also that society was abusing them emotionally exactly the same way I had been abused emotionally while growing up, and that infuriated me!

I decided to stop reading women’s magazines by the age of 18 because after each time I did I felt worse about my body and looks.  I came to the conclusion that women’s magazines made me feel bad about myself and I wouldn’t pay for such poor service.  So, I banned them out of my life.

Later, I met a friend whose job was to reshape the bodies of models with Photoshop.  He would make them look much skinnier than they were.  He told me, “the whole fashion industry is a fraud”.  I’m glad I figured that out when I was 18.

When I was 19, I did a bit of modeling and started dieting really seriously for about 48 hours. The truth is I failed miserably at dieting: just the thought of it makes me binge. Now, I consider that a blessing.

I haven’t met any woman who was overweight and unhappy about it who had never gone through a serious diet.  Actually, I spoke to a fitness instructor who couldn’t really understand why she was binge eating after eating so perfectly for two years.  Two years of deprivation and restrictions?…I have no doubt.  Restrict your diet too much and you’ll pay for it later at some point.  My point is at 48 hours; hers was at two years.

I believe I have a “normal eater”* mindset. It keeps me at a normal average weight I’m pretty happy with without effort.  

Sidenote*: I know the term “normal eater” is commonly used and understood. So, I’ll use it here.  But I want to be very clear that I’m talking about the eating pattern, not the person.

As a normal eater, I don’t restrict myself, nor indulge too much, and I don’t get all my pleasure from food.

I make wise food choices every day and sometimes making a wise food choice means eating a slice of cheesecake.

Does this shock you?

Normal eating is all about balance, good averages, and self-acceptance…

And, I have accepted I couldn’t live without a piece of cake once in while… so I make it part of my diet.

I have also accepted I didn’t NEED to be skinny because it is just too much work to be worth it. But I think I can stay pretty thin and happy with my body for the rest of my life without breaking a sweat.

And, the only diet I want to take is the “high self-esteem, I love myself and my life, let’s have a load of fun” diet.

Actually, you’ll be amazed at how fast you will make progress once you stop focusing on how fat or bad you are and what you should do about it. That was a big revelation for me.

You may not even notice it at first, but you’ll have stepped in the permanent normal eater zone where you don’t obsess about food, dieting, and body fat all day.

If you binge, losing weight should probably be one of the last things on your radar right now.

Lasting results always start with learning how to take better care of yourself and learning think differently.  And, if you suffer from any form of compulsive eating, you have to take care of that first.

There is no point in changing your diet if it leads to binge eating sprees.  That’s just setting you up for failure. And, that’s detrimental to your self-esteem.

Once you start looking at things differently, new solutions will emerge.

My goal is to help you think differently so that you start enjoying what you have, create even more joy and pleasure in your life, and be a inspiration to those around you…all that without trying so hard.

When you start shining your light, you become sexy, attractive, and confident even you like yourself more.

People want to be around you. Exciting opportunities keep flocking your way. And, the acts of counting calories and weighing yourself frantically are ancient history.

When you look ahead instead at your feet, your whole world expands.  It’s a magical moment, like the birth of a rare and precious being…and that being is the woman you are.

My Secret for Staying at a Normal Weight

If you want to stay at a normal weight effortlessly, you want a normal eater mindset.

You need to experience mental shifts so you never buy another dozen fitness and diet programs, yet still get and stay at weight your doctor would consider normal.

I think you should know I’m not a nutritionist, doctor or a fitness instructor. I own about two fitness videos. I bought the first one second hand for 5€ and downloaded the other one for free. With a pair of dumbbells and a rebounder, that’s about all my fitness equipment.  I do exercise, but only a little.  I do it for many reasons: I want to reduce stress, look younger longer, have a firm body, because it’s fun…not because I ate too much cheesecake.

In other words, exercise is form of self-care not punishment for me.

I have been able to remain pretty thin with very simple nutrition guidelines and basic fitness knowledge.  And, I don’t have a super high metabolism.  If I stop following those guidelines for too long, I put on weight.

And, if I put on weight too much, I don’t freak out. I just change my daily eating routine to gradually return to that “normal weight” I’m comfortable with.

Sometimes, I was not able to do that immediately because I was too depressed, and my sugar addiction had returned. But eventually, I did exactly that when I got emotionally better…

Here is my philosophy:When I eat well, I feel proud and happy.  When I eat a lemon tart or chocolate fondant, I’m happy and I enjoy it. If I don’t enjoy it, I stop eating it.

When I’m not hungry, I don’t eat.  I do my best to eat regularly.  When I’m hungry, I eat.

Sometimes, I wait too long, forget and I become so ravenous I have to stop whatever I’m doing and eat.

When I exercise, I try to make it fun.  If I gain weight, I don’t think about it too much.  I just take a look of what I have eaten and make minor adjustments.

Nothing I do is perfect. Nothing I do is fixed in time. My diet and body evolve as I age. And, it’ all somewhat intuitive.

Does that sound simple enough?

Do you still believe you have to find the perfect this and that to stay thin for the rest of your life?  No?  Congratulations.  Yes?  Then when are you going to decide to let go of that crappy belief that’s keeping you overweight?

Find Peace With Food and Feel Fabulous in Your Skin

I’m not perfectly thin and I don’t give a sh*** (pardon my French 😉 ).

The truth is you can feel confident and sexy right now and start placing fun and excitement back at the center of your life.  That’s the secret to becoming irresistible… irresistibly happy… and a magnet for good, positive people and experiences that will support your dreams.

I told you earlier that I didn’t believe it would have to be hard to quit smoking, and that I did it cold turkey, 0 willpower but with 100% success. To this day, about thirteen years later, I might have experienced three tiny little cravings that lasted about 20 seconds each.

The same thing happened with my sugar addiction. Once I started addressing the real cause of the problem, which was at least 80% emotional, the addiction evaporated.  It happened really quickly as well.  I lost weight.  I can’t tell you how much because I never weigh myself. My clothes will tell you the truth anyway.

Why I do this

Now you know about more about me, what I do, and what I want to bring you. I’d also like to tell you why I’m doing this with all my heart and passion.

I come from a family of female martyrs from my Spanish side, a long line of women who only lived for the sake of others, with no personal boundaries and sense of fun and joy for their lives. My great-grandmother was unhappy and obese.

I know I limited my own success for years because I grew up with beliefs like, “I’m not supposed to shine. Men will notice and it will be dangerous…women shouldn’t have wealth on their own.”

They look stupid today, but not so long ago they were controlling my life without my being aware of it.

I do love men, but I focus on inspiring women and showing that they can have wonderful, fulfilling lives and still be good enough for others. The secret is always stay centered in the joy of being you and knowing that, as a woman, you get to cherish your needs and emotions first. By doing so, you’re training your partner, friends, and colleagues to do the same.  You also inspire other women to do the same.  That changes the game, the place of women in society, and most importantly their own lives.

As you can see,  I all about helping women shine the beautiful, happy, and irresistible human being they already, are and delight in it.

My training:

I have studied Matrix reimprinting and EFT (emotional freedom technique) with Karl Dawson, an EFT master and creator of Matrix Reimprinting.  I’ve also studied NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) with Richard Bandler.

That looks good on paper, but I think that my value as a coach is my undying faith in the human nature: my innate intuition, my insatiable curiosity and desire to improve, learn, and better myself, and the belief that anyone, including yourself, CAN.

Perfection to me is not a goal, but improvement is.  That’s how I have become the person I am today.  I have never given up and settled for a dream that wasn’t my own.
