Client Love

Client Love – lea S – imageBefore I connected with Laura, I was feeling obsessive about food, calorie intake, controlling my weight and exercise. I felt as if I was constantly fighting with my body to not put on weight. I was worn out from the constant struggle, feeling like I wasn’t good enough until I lost weight. I was also due for a hiatus hernia operation, after which I would be on a liquid only diet for some weeks – I was paranoid about how I was going to handle that, and that even if I lost weight, I would no doubt soon gain it all back (and then some!). I was just completely overwhelmed with negative and obsessive feelings about my body and weight.

When I discovered Laura’s website, I immediately felt Laura’s approach to self-acceptance might be the answer I’d been looking for. I instinctively knew that what I’d been doing was ruining me and my life – I needed to lean into who I am, not fight it.

I liked Laura’s offer of a low-cost introductory session, and I connected with her stories and messages on her website so I gave it a try.

One of the most interesting insights I had whilst working with Laura was when she asked me “What would happen if you did put on weight?” Sitting with that question and realising in my heart that nobody would love me any less, that I would not be a bad person or a loser, even if my worst scenario came true, was enlightening. I also enjoyed very much the process Laura showed me to connect with my best self – a potent, enriched and powerful version of me that has been ready and waiting for me all along.

I started to see myself in a new, more loving and accepting way. I started to see the real essence of me, as opposed to just seeing the “imperfection” of me every day when I looked in the mirror. I stopped wearing my frumpy old clothes because “one day soon I’ll go shopping for new smaller clothes” and just started taking more care with myself on a daily basis, just as I am.

Since my operation I have indeed lost weight, and that feels good, but I am also not obsessed about it. I’m not worried about putting weight back on and I’m not feeling deprived. I just feel grateful that my body is healing and helping me through this journey. I feel now that my worth is not dependent on how I look, or how thin I am. I will rock it no matter what size I am.

Laura’s approach to freeing oneself from the obsession, rather than trying to conquer everything is what the world needs. She uses a wonderful combination of different techniques, and she is not precious about finding the right one for the individual. Whilst one particular technique of Laura’s was not right for me personally, we found another one that really helped me. Everyone is different, and Laura’s approach was focused on helping me, the individual. Not applying some blanket approach to everyone. I really appreciated that.

Age 46
Melbourne, Australia
Business Owner and Operator

Click Here to Schedule a Food Peace and Body Love Revelation Call with Me so that you discover why food controls you and receive a SOLID RECOVERY TIP to instantly improve your relationship with food ($29 investment).


Before my session with Laura I was binge eating chocolate and other sweets. I was buying these things and hiding them so I could eat them in private, when I would shovel them into my mouth as fast and as unconsciously as possible.
I was doing this because I had recently moved country and I was feeling lost and lonely and craving some sweetness. But every time I binged I felt worse about myself and then needed even more sweetness to counteract the bad feelings.

My session with Laura changed all that. She brought all these feelings into the open and chatted with me about it. We tried on different scenarios where I was likely to binge and she stopped me with a series of statements and tapping. I couldn’t believe that my situation would be dealt with in just one session but it was.

In spite of my initial skepticism I found Laura a delight to chat with and I found my binge behavior changed from that chat onwards. I still eat sweet things – sometimes – but I am conscious when I eat so I find that I eat less and I enjoy whatever sweet thing I’ve eaten.

I have lost weight and feel genuinely in control of any urges to binge.

Thanks Laura – you have changed my life

Victoria Stretch Cunningham-Downey
Glasgow, United Kingdom

BushraThis a very honest and heart-felt shout-out to Laura Houssain. I am known to scoff at anything “soft” and won’t touch things like yoga or meditation or spiritual with a foot long kitchen knife . So when I signed up with Laura for an EFT session, I did it pretending it was a client call (just couldn’t admit to my husband that I had fallen for something so woo woo).

That one session changed so many things; my perception that something so simple can make such massive change in a person’s mindset, my belief that you have to be rough and brusque to be strong (Laura has the mildest, most calm manner and yet she was firm and resolute) and most importantly my unwavering faith in my ability to hold my emotions at bay (I cried silently several times during the session).

Laura’s techniques made me question many of my behaviors (especially towards food and self-worth) that I had assumed were just characteristically me (guess I wasn’t born with a carb addiction) and that awareness alone made a huge shift in my attitude. That one-hour session was totally worth the time and the white lie. I highly recommend Laura to anyone who struggles with self-doubt or anxiety towards food. Even if you don’t have any of these issues, spending some time with Laura would do your heart a lot of good.

It’s been almost 4 months since that one session and my awareness about what I put in my mouth has never been stronger. After the session, I was able to stop touching bread. Coming from someone who has had zero control, it was MASSIVE. I still stuff my face with crap occasionally but that only happens when I let go of the strategies Laura taught me. Thankfully those moments are few and far between. Before, I couldn’t have a single day without carbs. I can’t believe all this has changed after just one session.

Thank you so much Laura. I highly recommend her to others struggling with the same issues.

Bushra Azhar
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Click Here to Schedule a Food Peace and Body Love Revelation Call with Me so that you discover why food controls you and receive a SOLID RECOVERY TIP to instantly improve your relationship with food ($29 investment).

Before I had my session with Laura I was feeling extremely out of control with my chocolate addiction. This addiction lead to nightly consumption of family sized block of chocolate or a whole tub of chocolate ice cream. If there was chocolate in the house I had to finish it then and there. Nothing was ever left.

When I contacted Laura, I was desperate to gain control again and hoped I would be able to enjoy myself when I’m out without worrying that I was going to full into old habits were 1 day turned into everyday.

After our session,  I realized that I could actually stop or hold off my sugar craving.
I finally have some control over this addiction.

So far I was able to go without chocolate, without feeling like I would die without it.
Even when I was out I did not feel the need to eat the whole thing.

I have also found enjoyment in my food again.

Laura has also helped me with being in public and not feel like I’m being judged. Even though I know that I’m not really being judged. I just feel at peace with being in an environment with many people.

Knowing that there is a way to stop this addiction and feeling like there is hope and knowing that someone else understands what you’re going through is tremendous relief.
Looking forward to improved health.

Thanks again with your help Laura.

Shantel, Australia

Would You Love to Be at Peace with Food, Enjoy Life, and Feel Comfortable In Your Body Like the Women Above?

Book a Food Peace and Body Love Revelation Call with Me now so that you Discover the Real Reason Why Food Controls You (I Mean the One No one Has Told You About)   And Receive a Solid Recovery Tip You Can Implement Immediately to Instantly Improve Your Relationship With Food. You’ll get 20 minutes of my undivided and loving attention for a small investment of $29. I never discount my personal time at this rate so grab your spot while it lasts.

Click Here to Schedule a Food Peace and Body Love Revelation Call with Me
